Wednesday, 25 April 2012

A new day of business

So today was officially our first full business day and Becky and I were very pleased with the amount of interest and orders we received to our site. We hope to take a large shipment of jewellery findings in the next 3 weeks to add to our stock list at great prices for our customers... Have a look at the lovely new molds we have to offer and know more are on the way. As crafters and resin addicts we are so happy to be sharing our skills with others just like us and if you are in the craft community why not join us on our various craft groups on facebook.

resin addicts
Clay addicts (our sister group)
addicts fundraising
Addicts sales page
addicts trade page
beading and wirework addicts (sister group)
cooking and baking addicts (sister group)
cosmetic addicts (sister group)
craft addicts
decoden and rement addicts
doll addicts
Film and book addicts
Game Addicts
Glitter,Confetti & sticker Addicts
junior addicts
kawaii addicts
paper, art and shrink plastic addicts(sister group)
social addicts
Squishy and Plushy addicts
wool and thread addicts (sister group)
youtube addicts (sister group)
photography addicts

we look forward to meeting xxxxxxx Liana and Becky